Enhancing Parenting Skills and Practices

Parents and families have a great deal of influence on the lives of their children, their families and their communities.  Research shows that what parents do, say and believe affect those around them in powerful, lasting ways.  The following fact sheets are designed to give you information and tips to support you in your role as your child’s first teacher.

Fact sheets - English

  1. Importance of family engagement
  2. Learning to Love Reading Tips
  3. 12 simple ways to Engage your Child While Reading
  4. 7 Tips for Healthier Homes
  5. Dads matter!
  6. Dads Group
  7. Parents as Advocates in Your Community

Fact sheets - Espanol

  1. Importancia del Compromiso Familiar
  2. Aprender a AMAR la Lectura: Leer en Vos Alta: Consejos para Los Padres
  3. 12 Formas Sencillas de Hacer Participar al Nino en la Lectura
  4. Siete Consejos Para Mantener un Hogar Saludable
  5. Los Papas Importan
  6. Hola Papas: su participacion CUENTA
  7. Los Padres que Abogan en sus Comunidades