Leaders for Change equips participants with leadership and advocacy knowledge, skills and strategies grounded in the Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors framework. Strengthening Families is an evidence-based framework that research shows builds family strengths, supports a family environment that promotes optimal child and youth development and reduces child abuse and neglect. Leaders for Change is a 20-hour family leadership training program that aims at strengthening parents’/families’ knowledge, skills and capacity to build relationships with others, take greater leadership roles in their communities, and engage in the systems serving children and families. It utilizes various interactive strategies, such as role play, pair sharing, small groups and mini-lectures, to address diverse learning styles.
Covered topics include:
• Leadership of self, family, community and systems
• Goal setting, communication and advocacy skills, action planning
• Understanding the Five Protective Factors
• Building support networks and allies, outreach and mentoring strategies
Training materials are available in English and Spanish. Each Leaders for Change training will be tailored to the unique needs of the host community based on input from local advisors to ensure that all content, materials and strategies are relevant to the unique needs, interests, and focus of that community.
A sample of the Leaders for Change training curriculum is available here. An overview fact sheet is available here.
Read about the significant impact Leaders for Change is having after the first year – An independent evaluation of the program in six counties over the 2012-13 program year is now available. Click Here.
View our video about the Leaders for Change training. Click Here
NEW! What Makes Your Family Strong – Spanish language posters now available featuring the Five Protective Factors!
Thanks to a partnership between Strengthening Families partners in two states, the inspiring “What Makes Your Family Strong” posters featuring the Five Protective Factors are now available in Spanish. Created by the Great Start Collaborative of Charlevoix, Emmet and Northern Antrim counties in Michigan and translated into Spanish by Parent Services Project in California, the posters present bright, clear, and family friendly language about the Five Protective Factors. These posters have proven to be excellent tools for training with parents and staff and we are excited to share them with the Strengthening Families community.
English posters are available at www.whatmakesyourfamilystrong.org and the Spanish posters available here.