Vision, Mission & Equity

Vision Statement 

Families are leaders in their children’s programs, schools and communities, where they are part of building equitable partnerships based on mutual respect. Families’ engagement and leadership creates social change and equity for all, and as a result, all children develop to their fullest potential surrounded by a caring community.

 Mission Statement

Parent Services Project engages and strengthens families to take leadership for the well-being of their children, families, and communities.

Equity Statement

We acknowledge the systemic racism at play in our country and county, and commit to facilitate change and foster the inclusivity that this moment in history demands. We recognize that this is the work we must do to truly live out our values of equity and inclusion.

We agree to:

• Carry out our own internal work to address bias and racism, while advancing equity, diversity and inclusion;
• Share our learning with each other for more effective action; and
• Collaborate to work with our communities in confronting systemic racism.

We draw our inspiration from courageous leaders who over the centuries have challenged exploitation, racism and violence.


Somos conscientes del racismo sistémico presente en nuestro país y condado. Nos comprometemos a facilitar el cambio y a fomenter la inclusión que exige este momento de nuestra historia. Somos conscientes de que esto es lo que debemos hacer si realmente queremos poner en práctica nuestros valores de equidad e inclusión.

Nos comprometemos a:
• Llevar a cabo nuestro propio trabajo a nivel interno para resolver el racismo y los prejuicios, y al mismo tiempo, avanzar hacia la equidad, la diversidad y la inclusión;
• Intercambiar lo que aprendamos para actuar de una manera más eficaz;
• Colaborar con nuestras comunidades para enfrentarnos juntos contra el racismo sistémico.

Nos inspiramos en los líderes que con su valentía han desafiado, a lo largo de los siglos, la explotación, el racismo y la violencia.